Unless otherwise stated, members may commence play from 7:00am. The lowest marker is the Captain of each match and is responsible for rules and etiquette. Please avoid slow play.
Players are responsible for the correctness of their own handicaps. In knockout competition, players will play off the handicap as shown on GOLF Link at date of play of each round.
A protest in connection with any competition or match shall be made to the Captain/Match Committee immediately upon completion of such competition or match.
Rule books are obtainable from the Pro-Shop.
Please see that ALL Competition Cards are completed and returned immediately on completion of round. Incomplete, unsigned or incorrect cards will results in disqualification.
No more than two golf balls may be played on the Course by any player during a practice round.
Any place beyond the Club’s boundary fences where erected and beyond the lines of the white stakes with black tops is Out of Bounds.
If the ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and is with in 2 club lengths of the intervening obstruction, it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which a) is no nearer to the hole b) avoids such intervention and c) is not in a hazard of on the putting green.
If a staked or guarded tree or shrub interferes with a players stance or area of intended swing the player MUST take relief as provided under Rule 24-2b(1).
Except in a hazard, hoof marks and wheel marks made by a mower, tractor or motor vehicle are Ground Under Repair (GUR). Rule 25 applies.
If a ball strikes the overhead power wires on the 2nd, 8th or 10th holes, the player MUST replay the stroke in accordance with Rule 20-5 without Penalty.